At Percy Main Primary School, we offer a broad and balanced curriculum where all subjects are valued.
Children learn a wealth of knowledge and skills in all areas of the curriculum through discreet and linked subject areas, ensuring progression but also revisiting, to embed learning.
Woven through our curriculum are 4 values which we call our Curriculum Drivers.
These are:
Children should be given opportunities which broaden their horizons and to see that there are ever-increasing possibilities for them on a daily basis and as they mature and become adults.
Children should develop an understanding of the importance of community and what it means to be a positive member of a community on a local scale (in their class, school, local area) and on a more global scale, including what it means to use the internet safely and how their actions can have a lasting impact for others. They should also learn about different religious communities.
All children should be healthy in mind and body in order to live happy successful lives as children and as they move into adulthood. They should also have the understanding and skills to keep themselves and others safe from harm in the real world and online.
Children should develop socially, morally, spiritually and physically in positive ways. There should be a developing acceptance of how there are many ways to live and how the differences make us unique and important. Children should have thirst for knowledge which allows them to increase their understanding of the world in which they live and be able to adapt to ever-changing contexts.
These values are at the heart of what we provide. We believe that every pupil deserves the best education, and that these values alongside a strong grasp of the National Curriculum, will help prepare our pupils for the next steps in their education.
To find out more about the school curriculum contact the school office, who will connect you with the most relevant staff member.