Early Years Policy

 Date adopted: 30th November 2021

Signed by Chair of Governors: Mr DW Bavaird

Signed by Headteacher: Mrs K Thompson

Date of review: November 2022



Statement of intent

  1. Legal framework
  2. Roles and responsibilities
  3. Aims
  4. Learning and development
  5. Inclusion
  6. The learning environment and outdoor spaces
  7. Assessment
  8. Safeguarding and welfare
  9. Mobile phones and devices
  10. Health and safety
  11. Staff taking medication or other substances
  12. Staffing
  13. Information and records
  14. Parental involvement
  15. Transition periods
  16. Monitoring and review


Statement of intent

 “Every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential. Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age five have a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right.” Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage, Department for Education 2021

Our Intent and Aims

Within Early Years at Percy Main Primary School we aim to;

  • give each child a happy, positive and enjoyable start to their school life within a safe and secure environment
  • establish solid foundations and foster a deep love of learning
  • enable each child, through encouragement and high expectations, to develop socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually in order to thrive in a diverse and ever changing world
  • offer a structure for learning that has a range of starting points and unlimited opportunity for development
  • offer a broad and rich curriculum
  • encourage children to develop independence within a nurturing and supportive atmosphere
  • support children to build relationships through the development of social skills such as cooperation and sharing
  • help each child to recognise their own strengths and achievements by experiencing success and developing their confidence to work towards personal goals

Implementation Structure of the EYFS

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) applies to children from birth to the end of the Reception year. Our Early Years Foundation Stage accommodates children from the age of 2 to 5 years.

In our school we have a 2 year old provision, part time Nursery and a full-time Reception class. Our 2 year old provision (Rainbows) offers 16 places. Children and families are able to access 15 hours of funded education starting the term after they turn 2yrs. Percy Main Nursery has 26 places and children are offered a place in the September following their third birthday. Children attend our Nursery for 15 hours per week.  Children attending our Reception class attend full time 5 days per week.

To ensure best practice and continuity, our foundation stage classes work closely together and share planning and have access to a range of outdoor learning environments.

The Curriculum

‘It is the role of the setting to help children experience the awe and wonder of the world in which they live, through the seven areas of learning.’ Ofsted Early Years Inspection Handbook, May 2019

Our EYFS curriculum has been designed with our children at the heart of it. We know and recognise the starting points in each phase and have designed a curriculum which is accessible to all children. Our curriculum includes the seven areas of learning and development that make up the EYFS Framework, all of which are seen as important and interconnected. Our curriculum ensures that the children have access to a range of experiences and opportunities which celebrate their success, develop their understanding of British Values and develop home school links. These include celebrating special events and festivals, parent workshops and celebration rewards. Our teaching of synthetic phonics is based on the RWI scheme and is followed from Reception.

Within our curriculum we ensure the children are given regular opportunities to access activities in the prime areas. These are particularly important for building a foundation for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, forming relationships and thriving (Early Years Framework 2021)

The prime areas are;

Communication and language Listening, Attention and Understanding Speaking
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Self-regulation Managing Self Building Relationships
Physical Development Fine Motor Gross Motor


The Prime areas are strengthened and applied through the further four areas which are referred to as the Specific areas.

Literacy Comprehension Word Reading Writing
Mathematics Numbers

Numerical patterns

Understanding the World Past and present

People, culture and communities

Expressive Arts and Design Creating with materials

Being imaginative and expressive


Characteristic of Effective Learning

The EYFS also includes the ‘Characteristics of Effective Learning’ which help practitioners identify a child’s attitude to learning and their ability to play, explore and think critically about the world around them.

The three characteristics are;

  • Playing and Exploring- children investigate and experience things and ‘have a go’
  • Active Learning- children concentrate and keep trying if they encounter difficulties, they enjoy achievements
  • Creating and Thinking Critically- children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas and develop strategies for doing things


Learning through play underpins our approach to teaching and learning in the foundation stage. We embrace the fact that young children learn best from activities and experience that interest and inspire them to learn. Therefore, we have environments that provide continuous provision. Continuous provision starts in our Rainbow room and progresses to our Nursery class, where the classrooms and outdoor areas are set up with learning areas. Each learning area has cross-curricular resources, which children can access independently throughout the day. The Reception classroom and outdoor area are also set up with areas of learning, offering continuous provision to build upon and deepen experiences and learning from Rainbows and Nursery. Continuous provision provides children with stimulating, active play to encourage creative and critical thinking alongside other children, as well as on their own. Children are able to practice skills, build upon and revisit prior learning and experiences at their own level and pace. Play gives our children the opportunity to pursue their own interest, inspire those around them and consolidate their understanding and skills. The children learn to adapt, negotiate, communicate, discuss, investigate and ask questions. Our adults take an active role in child-initiated play through observing, modelling and questioning. They teach and extend play whilst developing skills and language.

We understand that outdoor play is of equal importance as indoor play and that the outdoor classroom offers children ‘bigger’, ‘louder’ and ‘messier’ experiences. We therefore aim to offer free flow access to our outdoor learning areas throughout the school day.


We ensure there is a balance of child- initiated learning through continuous provision, and adult led activities, across the school day. Although much of the time is spent with children self-selecting tasks, the interaction between the adult and child is essential. The adults respond to each child’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through warm, positive interaction. The adult’s role is to continually model, demonstrate and question what the child is doing. In some cases, the adult will ask a child to complete a task with them; at other times they will participate in the child’s play, extending it where possible. We see our Early Years staff as “co-adventurers”.

There are set routines that we follow each day. There are designated times when the children come together to be taught and we focus on math’s, literacy, phonics, stories and topic work. These times provide the opportunity for children to develop their ability to work as a group to listen, to take turns, to answer and concentrate.

Whole class reading and story time are important parts of the day. We want our children to develop of life long love of reading. Children are exposed to a wide range of both fiction and non-fiction texts to provide them with opportunities to hear and use new vocabulary. We imitate, innovate and invent stories through a Talk for Writing approach as we want our children to leave the EYFS knowing stories, both traditional and modern well. We make sure there is always time for a whole class story during the day, as well as opportunities to enjoy books within the continuous provision.

In Reception every child is provided with their own book bag and will receive a ’reading’ book once a week. In school they will share this book with an adult either on a one to one basis or in a group. Reading books are matched to the individual child’s reading ability.


The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum provides the basis for planning in our Nursery and Reception classes (Foundation Stage). The planning objectives within the Foundation Stage are supported by the Development Matters Statements from the Early Years Foundation Stage document. Our planning is based upon themes with discrete lessons in phonics, reading, writing and maths.

Practitioners select themes according to children’s interests, experiences and prior learning. Progress and curriculum coverage are monitored half-termly. Each learning area in the classrooms and outdoor areas have provision plans, which identify learning opportunities and suggested enhancements. Staff reflect on the different ways that children learn and include these in their practice. They also respond to children’s social and emotional needs as well as their academic achievement.


At Percy Main Primary School, ongoing assessment is an integral part of the learning and development processes. Practitioners observe pupils to identify their level of achievement, interests and learning styles. These observations are then used to inform future planning. Observations and assessments are shared with SLT and the EYFS lead fortnightly so any individual needs can be identified and acted upon.


Early identification of children’s needs is fundamental to our practice. We believe every child should have their needs met and therefore fortnightly reviews ensure that n child can be missed and every child can be offered support tailored to them individually.

At the end of the EYFS (end of Reception), practitioners complete the EYFS profile (Statutory requirement) for each child. Pupils are assessed against the 16 early learning goals, indicating whether they are;

  • ‘On Track’
  • ‘Not on track’

Children’s development levels are assessed as the year progresses. If a child’s progress in any of the prime areas gives cause for concern, practitioners will discuss this with the child’s parents/carers and agree how to support the child.


Parent Partnership

We believe that education is a shared responsibility between school and home. We therefore work very closely to ensure that parents/carers are involved in their child’s education, and provide them with an open door policy each day, phone calls and meetings, inc phonics meetings,notes home and ½ termly parent events. We understand the importance of parents/carers views, so provide opportunities for feedback throughout the school year.

We offer workshops to provide parents with an insight into how we teach specific areas of the Early Years Curriculum, detailing ways in which they can support their child’s learning at home. These sessions also give parents/carers the opportunity to work with their child in the school environment.

1.Legal framework

1.1 This policy has due regard to statutory legislation, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Childcare Act 2006
  • The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
  • The GDPR
  • Data Protection Act 2018

1.2 This policy has due regard to statutory legislation, including, but not limited to, the following:

  • DfE (2017) ‘Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage’
  • DfE (2019) ‘Keeping children safe in education’
  • DfE (2018) ‘Working together to safeguard children’
  • DfE (2015) ‘The prevent duty’

1.3 This policy is intended to be used in conjunction with the following school policies:

  • Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy
  • Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy (see KCSiE Document)
  • Single Equality Policy
  • Medicines in School Policy
  • Health and Safety Policy
  • Recruitment Policy
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Complaints Procedures Policy


  1. Roles and responsibilities

2.1 The Governing Body has the overall responsibility for ensuring there is a policy in place to safeguard children that includes an explanation of the action to be taken when there are safeguarding concerns about a child, the use of mobile phones and cameras, and staff safeguarding training requirements. These issues are addressed in part in this policy and in further detail in the school’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.

2.2 The Governing Body has the overall responsibility for ensuring there is a policy in place in the event of an allegation being made against a member of staff. These issues are addressed in the school’s Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy (see KCSiE Document)

2.3 The Governing Body has the overall responsibility for the implementation of this policy.

2.4 The Governing Body has overall responsibility for ensuring that this policy does not discriminate on any grounds, including, but not limited to, ethnicity/national origin, culture, religion, gender, disability or sexual orientation.

2.5 The Governing Body has responsibility for handling complaints regarding this policy, as outlined in the school’s Complaints Procedures Policy.

2.6 The EYFS lead, in conjunction with the headteacher, has responsibility for the day-to-day implementation and management of this policy.

2.7 Staff, including teachers, support staff and volunteers, are responsible for familiarising themselves with, and following, this policy.

2.8 Staff, including teachers, support staff and volunteers, are responsible for remaining alert to any issues of concern in children.


3. Aims

3.1 Through the implementation of this policy, we aim to:

  • Give each child a happy and positive start to their school life in which they can establish a solid foundation for a love of learning.
  • Enable each child to develop socially, physically, intellectually and emotionally.
  • Encourage children to develop independence within a secure and friendly atmosphere.
  • Support children in building relationships through the development of social skills such as cooperation and sharing.
  • Work alongside parents to meet each child’s individual needs to ensure they reach their full potential.

3.2 Four guiding principles shape our practice:

  • Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
  • Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
  • Children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between the school and parents.
  • Children develop and learn in different ways and at different rates.

3.3 To put these principles into practice, the school:

  • Provides a balanced curriculum which takes children’s different stages of development into account.
  • Promotes equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice.
  • Works in partnership with parents.
  • Plans challenging learning experiences, based on individual needs, which are informed by observation and assessment.
  • Implements a key person approach to develop close relationships with children.
  • Provides a safe and secure learning environment.


  1. Learning and development

Our EYFS Curriculum is underpinned by our ethos that:

All children deserve the best start to their education. They should feel nurtured, loved and supported through every aspect of their learning. We aim to ensure that each child develops a love for learning and a passion for exploring the world in which   live. A child leaving our Early Years should be proud, kind and confident to face the next stage in their education, knowing that they tried their best and had lots of fun! They should be eager to face new challenges and have the self-belief and confidence to reach for the stars, knowing that we, and their teachers to follow will guide them each step of the way.

4.1 The EYFS curriculum is based on an observation of children’s needs, interests and stages of development.

4.2 In partnership with parents, the school promotes the learning and development of pupils to ensure they are ready for the next stage of education.

4.3 There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape education programmes in EYFS settings. These are split into two sections – prime and specific; however, all the sections are interconnected and important.

4.4 The ‘prime’ areas of learning and development are:

  • Communication and language
  • Listening and attention
  • Understanding
  • Speaking
  • Physical development
  • Moving and handling
  • Health and self-care
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Self-confidence and self-awareness
  • Managing feelings and behaviour
  • Making relationships

4.5 The ‘specific’ areas of learning and development are:

  • Literacy
  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Mathematics
  • Numbers
  • Space, shape and measure
  • Understanding the world
  • People and communities
  • The world
  • Technology
  • Expressive arts and design
  • Exploring and using media and materials
  • Being imaginative

4.6 Activities are planned to reflect children’s interests and individual circumstances in order to provide each child with a challenging and enjoyable experience.

4.7 The EYFS lead will discuss any cause for concern in a child’s progress, especially in the prime areas of learning, with the child’s parents. A strategy of support will be agreed upon and consideration will be taken as to whether the child may have a special educational need or disability which requires additional support.

4.8 The school takes reasonable steps to provide opportunities for children with EAL to use their home language in play and learning whilst also ensuring that these children have sufficient opportunities to reach a good standard of English. During assessment, if a child is found to not have a strong grasp on English, the EYFS lead will contact the child’s parents to establish their home language skills to assess if there is cause for concern about a language delay. The EYFS Lead will also liaise with the school CENTAS links to support the family on accessing the curriculum in their home language.

4.9 Each area of learning and development will be implemented through a mix of adult-led and pupil-initiated activity.

4.10 The school will respond to each child’s emerging needs and interests, guiding their development through friendly and positive interaction.

4.11 Activities are planned with regard to three characteristics of effective teaching and learning in the EYFS:

  • Playing and exploring – children investigate and experience things.
  • Active learning – children concentrate, keep on trying if they encounter difficulties and enjoy their achievements.
  • Creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things.


  1. Inclusion

5.1 All children are valued as individuals irrespective of their ethnicity, culture, religion, home language, background, ability or gender.

5.2 The EYFS curriculum is planned in order to meet the needs of the individual child and support them at their own pace.

5.3 The Single Equality Policy ensures that the needs of all children are met, regardless of any protected characteristics they have.

5.4 The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Policy ensures all children receive the support they need and are given the best learning experience possible.

5.5 SEND in the EYFS setting will be monitored and managed by the school’s SENCO.


6. The learning environment and outdoor spaces

6.1 The classroom is organised in such a way that children can explore and learn in a safe environment.

6.2 Children have access to an enclosed outdoor play area, and daily outdoor activities are planned, unless circumstances, such as the weather, would make outdoor activity inappropriate and unsafe.

6.3 There are three toilet facilities available to the EYFS. Nursery have toilets located within the classroom, Reception and Rainbows access the toilets just outside their classroom. Rainbows use the toilet facilities with adult supervision.


7. Assessment

7.1 Assessment plays an important part in helping the school to recognise children’s progress, understand their needs, plan activities, and assess the need for support.

7.2 Parents will be kept up-to-date with their child’s progress and development, and the EYFS lead will address any learning and development needs in partnership with parents.

7.3 Formative assessments are used to assess the learning and development of children in the EYFS. Staff members will observe children to understand their level of achievement, interests and learning styles. This information will then be used to shape learning experiences for each child.

7.4 Reasonable adjustments will be made to the assessment process for children with SEND as appropriate.


8. Safeguarding and welfare

8.1 All necessary steps are taken to keep the children in our care safe and well.

8.2 Any safeguarding or welfare issues will be dealt with in line with the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, and all members of staff in the EYFS are required to read this policy as part of their induction training.

8.3 The DSL is Mrs Kathryn Thompson of staff member.

8.4 The deputy DSLs are Mrs Rebecca Godfrey and Mrs Jan Leslie.

8.5 The DSL is responsible for safeguarding children and liaising with local children’s services as appropriate.

8.6 The deputy DSL will undertake the duties of the DSL in their absence, but overall responsibility for safeguarding will remain with the DSL.

8.7 The DSL and deputy DSL will undertake child protection training as required.

8.8 Staff will receive safeguarding training that enables them to understand the safeguarding policy and procedures, have up-to-date knowledge of safeguarding issues, and recognise signs of potential abuse and neglect


9. Mobile phones and devices

9.1 For the purposes of this policy, the term ‘mobile phone’ refers to any electronic device that can be used to take images or record videos, including tablets.

9.2 Staff members must not use personal mobile phones or cameras when children are present.

9.3 Staff may use mobile phones on school premises outside of working hours when no children are present.

9.4 Staff may use mobile phones in the staffroom during breaks and non-contact time.

9.5 Mobile phones should be safely stored and in silent mode whilst children are present.

9.6 Staff may take mobile phones on trips, but they must only be used in emergencies and should not be used when children are present. Mobile phones must not be used to take images or videos at any time during trips.

9.7 Staff who do not adhere to this policy will face disciplinary action.

9.8 Staff may use their professional judgement in emergency situations.

9.9 Staff must report any concerns about another staff member’s use of mobile phones to the DSL, following the procedures outlined in the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy and the Allegations of Abuse Against Staff Policy (see KCSiE Document).

Use of mobile phones by parents, visitors and contractors

9.10 Posters are used around the school to indicate that it’s a mobile free zone.

9.11 Parents, visitors and contractors are not permitted to take photographs or record videos without prior permission.

9.12 Parents may take photographs and videos only containing their own child during school events.

9.13 Parents may take group photographs at school events but only with the informed consent of the parents of the children involved.

9.14 The school strongly advises against the publication of any photographs or videos taken at the school or school events on social media

9.15 Staff must report all concerns about parents, visitors and contractors to the DSL, following the procedures outlined in the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.

9.16 Staff are provided with a school device to ensure that only school devices are used to take photographs and videos.

9.17 School devices must have passcode protection.

9.18 School devices must only be used for work related matters.

9.19 School devices must only be used to take photographs in the presence of another staff member and only with the consent of the child’s parent.

9.20 Staff must not take photographs of bruising or injuries for child protection reasons. Instead, recording concerns forms and body maps are used to record observations relating to child protection concerns – these should be done when completing the CPOMS system.

9.21 School devices must not be taken off school premises without prior written permission from the headteacher.

9.22 Where staff members have concerns over material on a school device, they must report all concerns to the DSL, following the procedures outlined in the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy.

  1. Health and safety

10.1 A first-aid box is located in the Reception, Nursery and Rainbows classroom.

10.2 The school’s Medicines in School Policy outlines the procedures for administrating medicines.

10.3 The class teacher will report any accident or injury involving a child to their parents on the day it occurs, and any first-aid treatment administered to a child will also be reported to their parents, using the accident book located in the classroom

10.4 Accidents and injuries will be also be recorded on CPOMs.

10.5 The headteacher will report any serious accident, illness, injury, or death of a child whilst in the school’s care to Ofsted as soon as is reasonably practicable, but within 14 days of the incident occurring. Local child protection agencies will also be notified.

10.6 The school has a Fire Evacuation Plan in place.

10.7 Any food or drink provided to children is healthy, balanced and nutritious.

10.8 Information about any dietary requirements, preferences, food allergies and any special health requirements a child has will be recorded and shared with the staff working with the child.

10.9 Fresh drinking water is available at all times.

10.10 Smoking is not permitted on the school premises.

10.11 The Health and Safety Policy outlines the full health and safety policies and procedures.


11.Staff taking medication or other substances

11.1 The school implements a zero-tolerance approach to drugs and alcohol misuse, as outlined in the Drug and Alcohol and Smoking Policy.

11.2 The use of alcohol or any other substance that may affect the ability to care for children by a member of staff will not be tolerated. If there is a reason to believe a member of staff is under the influence of alcohol or any other substance, they will not be allowed to work directly with children and further action will be taken.

11.3 Any medication used by staff is securely stored in the school office.


12.  Staffing

12.1 A robust Recruitment Policy is in place, which aims to ensure that members of staff employed in the EYFS are suitable.

12.2 Upon employment, all EYFS staff receive induction training to ensure that they understand their roles and responsibilities, including information about emergency evacuation procedures, safeguarding, child protection and health and safety.

12.3 Staff will be supported to undertake the appropriate training and professional development to ensure children receive the best quality learning experience.

12.4 All members of staff who have contact with children and families will be supervised by the EYFS lead. The supervision will provide opportunities for staff to:

  • Discuss any issues, particularly concerning the development or wellbeing of children, including any child protection concerns.
  • Identify solutions to address issues.
  • Receive coaching to improve their effectiveness.

12.5 The EYFS lead holds at least a full and relevant level 3 qualification alongside at least two years’ experience working in an early years setting. At least half of the other EYFS staff hold a full and relevant level 2 qualification.

12.6 There will be at least one member of staff on the school premises at all times who has a current paediatric first-aid (PFA) certificate.

12.7 The school will organise PFA training to be renewed every three years.

12.8 The list of staff who hold PFA certificates can be found in the School Office or on designated First Aid signs around school.

12.9 The school provides a staffing ratio in line with the safeguarding and welfare requirements set out in the ‘Statutory framework for the early years foundation stage’.

12.10 Only members of staff with level 2 English and maths qualifications will count towards the staffing ratios at level 3.

12.11 The school adopts the following staffing ratios:

  • For children aged two, there is one member of staff for every four children. At least one staff member holds a full and relevant level 3 qualification, and at least half of the other staff members hold full and relevant level 2 qualifications.
  • For children aged three and over:
  • Where a staff member with qualified teacher status (QTS), early years professional status, or another suitable level 6 qualification is working directly with the children, there is one member of staff for every 13 children, and at least one other member of staff holds a full and relevant level 3 qualification.
  • Where a member of staff does not hold QTS, early years professional status, or another suitable level 6 qualification, there is one member of staff for every eight children. At least one staff member holds a full and relevant level 3 qualification, and at least half of all other staff hold a full and relevant level 2 qualification.

12.12 Only under exceptional circumstances, and where the quality of care and safety of children is maintained, will changes be made to the ratios.

12.13 Parents will be informed about staffing arrangements prior to their child transitioning to the next year group.

12.14 Each child is assigned a key person within the 2yr Provision – Rainbow Room, whose role it is to help ensure that every child’s care is tailored to meet their individual needs.

12.15 The Room Manager will inform parents of whom their child’s key person is and will explain the role of the key person when their child begins attending the school.


  1. Information and records

13.1 Information is stored in line with the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018, and with regard to the school’s Data Protection Policy.

13.2 The following information is recorded for each child:

  • The child’s name and date of birth
  • The name and address of every parent or carer who is known to the school, and which parent or carer the child normally lives with
  • The emergency contact details of the child’s parent or carer

13.3 The following information about the school is recorded:

  • The school’s name, address and telephone number
  • The school’s certificate of registration
  • The name, address and telephone number of anyone who will regularly be in unsupervised contact with the children
  • A daily record of the names of the children being cared for in the school, their hours of attendance, and the names of each child’s key person

13.4 The following information is made available to parents:

  • The school’s privacy notice for parents and pupils
  • How the school delivers the EYFS and how parents can access more information
  • The daily routine and the activities offered in the school’s EYFS and how parents can assist their child’s learning at home
  • How the school’s EYFS supports children with SEND


  1. Parental involvement

14.1 We firmly believe that the EYFS is significantly more successful with the enduring support of parents.

14.2 Parents are invited to termly parents’ evenings; however, the school has an open-door policy and parents are welcome to talk to teachers at the start and end of the school day.

14.3 The headteacher’s office will be utilised for confidential discussions between staff and parents.

14.4 Parents are asked to sign permission slips for any visits out of school, use of photographs of their child and using the internet at school.

14.5 Parents are asked to complete admission forms, a medical form and to write a brief synopsis about their child to help the school to understand their character and personality.


15.Transition periods

15.1.The following process is in place to ensure children’s successful transition to Year 1:

15.2 Children undertake regular visits to their new classroom to familiarise themselves with the setting and staff.

15.3 Staff share stories with their new class and regularly ‘drop in’ to see how the children are doing.

15.4 The children begin to spend more time working at tables and in small groups.

15.5 Year 1 classroom provision is set up to support the continued need for child initiated play in Year 1.

15.6 Parents are invited to ask questions, visit the classroom and see the new entrance and exit points prior to the term ending.

15.7 Children undertake transition sessions which include moving up to the classroom and creating their own name tag, drawer label etc.


16.Monitoring and review

16.1 This policy is reviewed annually by the Governing Body and the Headteacher.

16.2 Any changes made to this policy will be communicated to all members of staff.

16.3 All members of staff directly involved with the EYFS are required to familiarise themselves with all processes and procedures outlined in this policy as part of their induction.

16.4. The next scheduled review date for this policy is November 2022