Physical Education
At Percy Main Primary School we recognise the importance Physical Education (PE) plays in the curriculum and are committed to providing all children with opportunities to engage fully in Physical Education.
PE should provide opportunities for all pupils to become physically literate and confident in a way which also supports their health and fitness- both physically and mentally. Children should acquire not only physical skills, knowledge and understanding, but also the awareness and importance of leading healthy, active lives as well as the values of sportsmanship, fairness and respect through the sports and activities they undertake.
PE is an integral part of school practices allowing all children in the school to gain a sense of achievement and develop positive attitudes towards themselves and others. Teaching the children of the physical and mental benefits of physical activity aims to harbour a life-long love of exercise and sport.
The curriculum embraces the Statutory Orders of the National Curriculum 2014 and Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Guidance. It is inclusive and every pupil has equal access irrespective of their age, gender, cultural or ethnic background with inclusive opportunities for children with disabilities.
We aim to enable our children to:
- Build a life-long passion and interest in an active and healthy lifestyle.
- Develop resilience and determination to identify and improve their personal skills in a range of physical activities.
- Have opportunities to take part in a wide range of sports activities which are carried out in a safe and supportive environment.
- Take opportunities to increase self-confidence through an ability to manage themselves successfully in a variety of situations.
- Learn how to plan, perform and evaluate actions, ideas and performances to improve their quality and effectiveness.
- Learn from teachers who are equally committed to an active lifestyle.
- Celebrate Effort and hard work, as well as success. Providing opportunities to excel independently or as part of a team.
- Engage with and learn from inspirational sports people. Identifying future opportunities in a range of sport related careers.
ALL pupils leaving primary school should be physically literate and have the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.
It is expected that schools will see an improvement against the following 5 key indicators:
- The engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity – kick-starting healthy active lifestyles. Students will take part in at least two hours of physical education a week, following the Phunky Foods curriculum. In addition to this, lunch time activities, after school clubs and inter-school competitions will encourage a positive, inclusive and passionate attitude to physical education in school.
- The profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement. There will be a focus on celebration of success and participation in PE and wider sporting activity in school. Sporting achievements will be shared during celebration assembly on Fridays. Sports leaders and an engaging play time schedule for sports will expose all children to regular sport in school. A school PE display will show and celebrate physical activity in school- regularly updated, inclusive and accessible to all pupils in school.
- Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport. Through team teaching, informal observations and professional development, the teaching staff will be supported in delivering high quality PE lessons.
This support will come from the subject leader, SLT team and the Local Authority. Knowledge and experience from the teaching staff will be shared and built upon to ensure high standards. Partnerships with Norham High School and Tyneside College will provide opportunities for teachers to gain further support in teaching Physical Education.
- Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
Following the Phunky Foods curriculum ensures a range of sports and activities are provided to the students with a clear progression of skills. Partnerships with Newcastle United Foundation and Commando Joes will provide alternate activities for the children to participate in. A number of after school clubs will ensure further opportunities for students to increase participation in physical activity.
- Increased participation in competitive sport. With support from the Local Authority PE team, all classes will have the opportunity to take part in inter-school competitions across a range of sports. Local partnerships with Norham High School, Tyneside College and nearby primary schools will provide further opportunities for students with sports festivals, inter-school competition and specialist teaching.
Assessment and Recording
Children’s progress is continually monitored and is used to inform future teaching and learning. By the end of each key stage, pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study as set out in the National Curriculum. Objectives for PE can be found on the long and medium term plans within each year group.
An expectation of class teachers or PE leaders is to upload an image, video or presentation of each PE lesson on Seesaw (app) for every lesson which will create a series of evidence showing the progression of skills within lessons. Where possible, footage of pre and post assessment of skills should be saved.
Recognising the need to extend and provide a greater challenge for more able pupils. A register of Gifted and Talented pupils who demonstrate exceptional performance or talent in a sporting area is kept and updated each year.
In EYFS, we assess the children’s Physical Development through objectives outlined within the statements according to the Development Matters document - focussing on ‘Physical Development: Moving and Handling’ and ‘Physical Development: Health and Self-Care’.
Evidence of impact on the children include:
- Children learn through fun, engaging, high-quality Physical Education that provides children with the foundations and knowledge to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.
- Children become resilient, active learners who have found a passion for sport and physical activity.
- Children have had the opportunity to access a range of sports within lessons or through after school clubs or inter-school competition.
- Children can identify and describe the skills they have and the skills they need to develop in a range of physical activities.
- Children feel they have an equal opportunity to take part in physical activity in school.
- Children can respond to the constructive criticism of others and critique their own performance.
- Children have a secure knowledge and understanding of healthy living; diet and exercise.
- An increased participation in competitive sport across the whole school in all year groups.
- Teachers are confident in their teaching and assessment of Physical Education.