School Uniform
Percy Main Primary School takes a consistent, fair and inclusive approach to school uniform, which reflects the needs of all pupils, is affordable, and provides the best value for money for both the school and pupils’ families. Our school uniform policy promotes the ethos of the school and provides a sense of belonging and identity for all pupils, regardless of their protected characteristics or socio-economic circumstances.
We believe that pupils learn most effectively and achieve their best outcomes when they are comfortable, able to be themselves, and dressed in a way that sets an appropriate tone for education.
Our school uniform is available to purchase online from Emblematic, or at the school office. You may also purchase non-branded uniform from local supermarkets such as Asda, Tesco, Sainsbury, Aldi and Lidl.
School Uniform Grant Funding
We understand that the cost of school uniform can be a burden for families who are experiencing financial hardship.
From time to time we receive grant funding to subsidise the cost of school uniform, and will use this grant to support families in need through a referral process.
If you would like support with the cost of school uniform, please complete a referral form which can be obtained from the school office. Applications will be considered on a case by case basis and will be dependent on the funding available at the time of application. We may ask for a contribution towards the cost of the uniform supplied.
School Uniform List
Click here to see our up to date school uniform list.

Our school uniform is available to purchase online through Emblematic. Please follow the link. Please note that our uniform is NOT stocked in the Emblematic store.
Other useful information
The school rules on jewellery are as follows:
- One pair of stud earrings may be worn – no other piercings are permitted.
- A sensible wrist watch may be worn, which does not connect to the internet or have the functionality to take photographs or videos.
Pupils will be advised that jewellery is their personal responsibility and not that of the school. Lost or damaged items will not be refunded. All jewellery must be removed during practical lessons, including PE lessons and science experiments. ust be removed for ALL PE and swimming lessons.
Boots or wellingtons may be worn to school, but a change of shoes should also be provided for use indoors.
Extreme hairstyles and temporary tattoos are not permitted in school.